Merry If-Mass

Christmas has come and gone, and so has a year of KIDS Fundness. Let's wrap up the last openers of the year: Marly and Me, and Adam (hack) Sandler's Bedtime Stories.

Bedtime Stories went in with a hopeful price of H$109, but with a mere $10.5M Christmas and another $28M over the weekend, it adjusted down significantly to H$89. If you played it right, you'll be holding this one long. It's made over $12M on Monday and Tuesday alone, and should continue to pull in good money through this weekend.

Our big winner, Marly and Me, had a decent $14M Christmas, plus another $37M on the weekend. It adjusted up big by H$36 to H$115. Way to win! Far offset the losses of Bedtime Stories, plus it has continued with $15M combined Monday and Tuesday total BO.

That's was all for the Christmas season. Kinda sad, huh? On top of that, we don't have another opener until Hotel For Dogs opens January 16th. Thanks to Qale's quick trading, we've done very well on Narnia news, so we should be making money even without new movies.

Happy New Year and Happy Trading!


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