Hotel Us Some Good News!

Wrong! We got it wrong! We've been doing so well, so close to delisting this fund, and we get it wrong. What went wrong? Who would pay money to see cute puppies?? On that note, who would pay money to see Paul Blart?? I know it rhymes with "fart," but really.

Hard numbers: Hotel for Dogs made a troubling $22.5M adjusting the stock up to H$49.5. Like all January releases, this is most likely a post adjust short. There's just too much coming out this month for anything to have good legs. Monday confirmed it with a $700k BO take.

It's okay. Despite this setback, we're still lumbering towards delist. We also have an opener next weekend - Inkheart (INKHT). Despite what all signs point to, it's not a Walden film. Who knew!? More on Inkheart later.


Qale here. So you wanna know what we think of Inkheart.  Well, despite tracking doing us no good with Hotel for Dogs, we have to remember that this past MLK weekend was gigantic!  Much larger than it normally is! 

Now we're back to the regular pace of things, we got a sub-par generic fantasy film coming out whose release was delayed A WHOLE YEAR!  That's right, we were supposed to get this flick last year.  Tracking says low teens, I tend to agree... 11 million.  That'd put adjust right at 29.70 which makes this in our estimation a short.  



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