Wimpy Wimpy!

Hefty Heft! Wait, not that Wimpy!! We're talking about the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie!

Before we talk about that, let's recap: Alice, mega bucks. It's pretty much leveled off in price, although it continues to make ridiculous money - even added some theaters this week! That was a very nice bump for us. I'll begin to start peeling money off as I need it since it won't be making too much more for the fund.

On to the opener! Personally, I think this movie looks pretty good. It's nice that it's based a book series that's new enough kids who read it will still be young enough to see the movie. On the tracking side of things, it looks like it's not really poised to do too much - most tracking puts it into the mid to high teens. Right now it's at about H$50, which gives us a break even of right around $18.5M. I've been holding it long for a good while now, and it's dropped just a little bit in price. I think it can make that price, plus some. The other thing I learned last time around with kids movies - they have good legs. They almost always end up being post adjust longs in the long run. I think I'm going to stay long and save the commission to flip it.

That's all for now! There aren't a lot of kids movies coming down the pipe, but at least we got some!


Anonymous said…
Good call on Wimpy, Colin.
Dragon may kill Wimpy's legs though.

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