Orange you glad we're going back?

Maaaaybe we aren't going anywhere after all. This was posted this evening on the Forums of the new

Submitted by spinfactor on Tue, 10/28/2008 - 17:55.
Dear Loyal HSXers,

You spoke (yelled, screamed, voodoo lambada cursed), and, we listened....

We're restoring HSX Classic. The trusty old site will be back up in the next day (knock on wood) with your portfolios as they were before we switched over, (brought up-to-date with adjusts and delists). Itʼs kinda like time travel, but you won't be watching Krakatoa erupt 500 miles away, on a beach... with a daiquiri.

We'll spend more time clearing out the bugs and adding the features to make the new HSX a worthy successor... and learning from your feedback, we'll make the transition to the new site gradual, when it's ready for prime time. The beta site will run side-by-side to HSX Classic so give it a chance at over the coming months and help us make it the exchange you've been looking for.

You, the HSX Community are the reason we come into work every morning... We hope you'll keep trading and continue to let us know how we are doing!


- The HSX Team

So, if that's the case, looks like you'll just have to go back to looking here for the latest information on your favorite fund.
Personally, I think it is the bestest news evar.

Just for completion's sake. Here's a quick summary of what we posted on the blog over there:

1. High School Musical is gonna be a total long!
2. High School Musical had an awesome Friday!
3. High School Musical ended up a tragic short due to bad multiplier.
4. We think we're gonna do at least an immediate post-adjust short. Next weekend's numbers should set the tone.
5. Jungle Book and Tarzan remakes? DO WANT


nigeleccles said…
Was there any word if they are going to keep schmoozing?
Anonymous said…
Looks like they were knocking on pressed wood as HSX is down hard again.

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