Horton Hears a Ho-Hum

KIDS Fund drops to 2 wins and 3 losses as Horton Hears a Who opens well, but not good enough to keep the stock from adjusting down H$8.70.

Much boo-hooing will be had on the boards about the $45 million opening. But while it is a loss, it's not so tragic. More like a rather annoying buzz-kill.

Post adjust should be a breeze. While there will be the usual profit taking and moving of funds away from the openers by many portfolios, it's generally expected that a G rated animated kid flick like this one will do great things in the weeks ahead. Many schools will be out, and others will often plan field trips to the theatre. So we'll continue to grin and bear the red ink for a little while, in hopes that like Spiderwick before it, we can crank some profits out of this moviestock.

In other news: 10,000BC didn't drop nearly as badly as predicted. It earned an estimated 16.4 million and currently has a total of 61 million dollars. That means we'll have to adjust our delist predictions up by a couple of million. I think it's still a short, but it won't be as big of a drop off as first expected. We'll have to see how the weekday numbers this week pan out, but look for low 80's now.


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