Yes. We're still trying to delist.

We have two, count 'em TWO openers this weekend.  Let's get right into it, shall we?

First up, let's talk about the indie kid feature Coroline which is from the creative genius that brought us A Nightmare Before Christmas! 

We're pretty psyched about how awesome this style of animation looks, but sadly we had to finally switch our long to a short.

Focus Features is a fine production company, but even with the 3D gimmick, we're not sure that this is the kid flick that the younglings will be flocking too.  Adult interest will help, but we're only looking at 8 million and that makes it a short.

A film that many parents will hope is short is the unwanted sequel Pink Panther 2. Not even bothering with a silly addon to the title, the Inspector is back after the first film opened to 20 million in pretty much the same time slot two years ago.  Going on to eventually find just north of 82 million, a sequel was pretty much inevitable.

With Coroline and even Hotel for Dogs and Inkheart still stalking some theatres, I don't think the Pink Panther sequel will open quite as well.  Still, even a prediction of 18 million will still make this security a long.  And if it DOES break out, we certainly want to be on the winning side.

We've sadly been sticking around the 87 million mark for a while now.  Hopefully we can bust free, and get ourselves one step closer to delist this weekend.

If not, we still have some great features to look forward to.  First: The Blockbuster Warrents will cash out on President's Day weekend.  Then: Wall-E will hopefully win it's Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.  Oh, and apparently the Jonas Brothers have a concert movie coming out soon too.

Oh, by the way. We didn't really do a good job of a post-adjust post this week.  Inkheart did turn out to be a short, so that's good.  We kind of screwed up the post-adjust holdings for it and Hotel for Dogs, so that's why you only see radar shares of them now. 


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