I Spy Money!

Happy New Year, Kids Funders! We've got a great and hopefully profitable year ahead of us. We've been stuck around the H$24M spot for a while, but I feel that change (believe in it) is coming.

Good news! Princess in the Frog adjusted down and Alvin 2 adjusted up! We made money! Alvin is about set to delist and free up some cash. We just invested a pile into Twilight 3, which will be making buckets of money this summer.

On to the new: Spy Next Door. I'm a big Jackie Chan fan. I've always enjoyed his movies, but they can be so hit or miss. We've been holding onto this stock since it was at H$24, so even if it drops a little, we should be okay. As it stands, it only needs a little over $11M to break even, and I think it can do that. This being January and all, it'll probably be a post-adjust short.
That's all for now. I know we have some interesting movies coming up, and it's practially summer blockbuster season! Happy trading!


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