Moviegoers miss out on something epic.


I don't want to write this post.

Really I don't.

It's one thing to lose a lot of H$ in making a bad call on an adjusting movie, but it's another thing entirely losing a lot of H$ on an adjusting movie because it should not have flopped as badly as Speed Racer managed to this past weekend.

What's even worse is that the movie is amazing. It's epic in every sense of the word. It takes anime to this modern day level that is so stellar and so fascinating that apparently it made itself inaccessible to those who would rather see Iron Man again. Which is what movie critics in between the crappiest of car puns possible told moviegoers to do. Whatever.

Speed Racer bombed this weekend, okay? It should have made 40 million. The studio was hoping for 35. And it didn't even make 20. Somehow, in this tainted world of sorrow and unhappiness, America allowed Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz's flick beat it this weekend. What a tragedy that like Final Fantasy before it, Speed Racer will now become a rare children's cult-classic. Shame.

Post adjust is going to be abysmal as well. Just short it and forget it. If no one wanted to see this achievement in motion picture special effects wizardry now, they ain't going to want to see it next week or the week after or the week after. IMAX may pick up some slack, but not enough really.

Narnia 2 is up next. Walden paired with Disney makes for a much more compelling story than Nim's or The Dark Is Rising or whatever those Walden hacks have adapted from children's novels. Tracking has it at, like 80 million, and we'll just be riding it long hoping that some kind of weird bottom doesn't drop out of this one.

Man, I still can't get over Speed Racer's total annihilation. I'm going to go pig out on the rest of the candy leftover from the last Fundcast and cry. Later, traders.


Anonymous said…
If most of the moviegoers cannot appreciate a first-rate movie like SPEED RACER, then screw them. It only matters that you enjoyed it. I know I did. And I cannot wait for the DVD release.

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