Hannah Montana: Breaking Your Achy Breaky Heart on Feb 1?

As you may know KIDS Fund 4's first flick to adjust will be the really unique and lengthy titled film Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour.

What makes this film so interesting is that it's been stated it will only be in theatres for ONE WEEK ONLY!

Oh. And tickets are FIFTEEN DOLLARS EACH!

And while we had early projections of 650 screens, FilmJerk in the Early Report suggests that Disney is only looking at 450-500 screens.

This, of course, poses a real mondo whacko scene to get even more mondoer and whackoer.

What happens if our fairy princess doesn't have her movie open in more than 650 screens? It won't trigger the already strange note that D. Mac put on its stock page:

"Note: Since the film is scheduled to play for only one week, this MovieStock will halt and adjust using a 1.0 mutiplier if it opens on more than 650 theaters."

Colin and I still believe that even with less screens, this thing is going to be a rad affair and totally huge success. As if! Screenings are already being reported sold out and it's not even opening until NEXT weekend! Our original thoughts were leaning towards 20-22 million.

But it's a very fluid situation and it makes for playing the stock really tough. You'll definitely want to keep tuned for the latest screen information. That'll be finalized by NEXT Thursday.

Until then, hold on to those tickets. Scalping them to kids may become even more profitable if this thing doesn't see enough canvas.


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